Returns are permitted up to 30 days from original purchase date. The item must be in original packaging, in resalable condition. Your receipt must be presented with item at time of return. Returns will be made in the form of original payment. Please bring your appropriate credit card as we do NOT keep these on file. Checks and Debit transactions will be refunded in cash, after checks clear.
Special orders of NON-STOCK and CUSTOM FRAMING items are non-refundable
While each custom framing order is unique, we guarantee design, workmanship, materials and our customer's overall satisfaction. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your piece, please let us know and we will do our best to resolve the issue. Our goal is a completely satisfied customer. We guarantee it.
Did you know that it is illegal to reproduce a copyrighted image or document without permission? Unless it is for educational purposes, Riverside Art will not scan or copy any materials that show a copyright symbol or are obviously taken from a copyrighted source, without permission from the copyright holder.
Image quality is solely contingent upon the original source file. A file can have a high dots per inch (dpi) or be several MB in size, but that does not necessarily mean it will produce a high quality image or can be enlarged several times the original size. The source file contains all of the information about the image. If the file is lacking in detail, the computer cannot magically create it to make the image better. Any enhancement or correction made with the computer is entirely based on the information provided in the source file.
For large, high-quality output, the image must have at least 250 dpi AT THE PRINTED SIZE. You cannot take a 2" x 3" image at 400 dpi and enlarge it to a 20" x 30". It will not maintain the image quality since it would now be 40 dpi.
There are risks to lamination, as it is a permanent process, and you only get one shot to get it right. Be mindful that newspaper and things printed on thinner papers can risk wrinkling when going through lamination machines. We are very careful when sending things through the machine, but sometimes it just wrinkles. Either be prepared to bring extra copies or accept the risk that your piece may end up with a wrinkle or two in the end.
To ensure the most accurate color, we only print on papers that have been specifically profiled for our printers. Our currently available substrates are:
Some kinds of papers can go through our printers. Others can not. We can print on some customer papers, though we have the final say. Most stationery in letter, ledger, and legal sizes are fine. Please plan on bringing more than enough stationary to allow for test prints and possible errors. We DO NOT print on t-shirt transfer paper even if it says it's meant for laser printers.
Our inkjet printers utilizes a four-color process to make prints. The four-color process is a means of printing a wide range of color using only Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black inks. In most cases, color matching is not an issue. However, there are some inherent limitations with this process-especially when attempting to match fluorescent, metallic or iridescent paints-and can result in minor shifts in color. We will discuss any concerns about color matching with you during the initial consultation.
Repographics Department opens at 8 am